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He Aituā Tā Wira Gardiner

The Māori Trustee, Dr Charlotte Severne, and Te Tumu Paeroa are saddened to hear of the passing of Tā Wira Gardiner.

Papā ana te whatitiri ki runga o Kapū te Rangi

Ko te uira kānapanapa tēnei ka haukotia e ngā hau pūkerikeri

Tau ana taku manu kākā kura, taku manu whakakea, taku manu whakakeka, tū Reikura ana taku manu tā kaha.

Nō hea rawa mātau ka kite I te hē, Nā wai au ka taka ki mate.

Whawhati kau mai te haeoratū o Tuaiomango, ka hinga ko te tauihu o Ngāti Tamateatūtahi. Uea ana mai ko ngā amokura ngangahu o Hinehopu, Noho mai ana ko au, e ngau ana I te mamae. Aue taku kuru pounamu ka rirō.

E te Upoko māhewahewa, mai ahatia koe I hinga ai ki raro.

Ko koe te whetū tapu o te rangi e kōhae mai ana, tau atu rā, kakapa atu rā. Tangihia rā te kākā tarahae o te iwi kua mū. He amokura nō te tokotoru a Manawakotokoto, he otikau nō ngā iwi huhua o Mataatua Waka.

Ko te heru hapainga tēnei kōkouri kua riro ki te au kume o Korotau o te pūpū tangi a toa haere, haere, haere

Ko koe tēnei e Tā Wira ka nanao atu ki te haupūranga o te kauheke kaumātua he atua he tipua, he atua, he tangata.

Moe mai I roto I te rangatiratanga o te mate.


The Māori Trustee, Dr Charlotte Severne, and Te Tumu Paeroa are saddened to hear of the passing of Tā Wira Gardiner.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife Hekia and his whānau, friends and colleagues.

Tā Wira was a dedicated and well respected Māori soldier and leader who worked tirelessly for the advancement of Māori throughout his career. Even in his final days his thoughts were with the health and wellbeing of his people.

We look forward to the time when we can publicly acknowledge his contribution and celebrate his life.


Image: Te Ao Māori News

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