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Taraketi 1G1 Owner Hui

Meeting details

Time & Date:
13 Mar 2025, 10:00 am
Te Matapihi - Bulls Community Centre
4 Criterion Street, Bulls 4818
Contact person:
Dani Charlton
[email protected]
Phone number:
0800 WHENUA (0800 943 682) or +64 4 474 4600
  1. He Whakatuwheratanga
  2. Te Tumu Paeroa
  3. Apologies
  4. To koutou whenua
  5. Owner's report
  6. Main points of last meeting
  7. Financial statements
  8. Distributions
  9. Review of Trust
  10. Variations of Trust
    1. Vary Report and Accounts clause 6.c.i of the trust order to replace the audit clause by the following:
    2. 6(c)i the trustee must keep proper accounts and prepare annual financial statements of the assets and liabilities and of the income and expenditure of the trust for each year ending on the 31st day of March or such annual balance date as the trustee may from time-to-time fix.
    3. 6(c)ii for each financial year the trust's gross annual income or gross annual expenditure exceeds $100,000, the trust's accounts are to be audited.
    4. 6(c)iii at each general meeting the trustee shall produce and present an owners' report and financial statements for the last two completed financial years.
    5. 6(c)iv Financial Statements are to be filed with the relevant registry of the Court no later than one (1) month after the general meeting has taken place or six months from the balance date whichever is earlier."
  11. Nomination of responsible/advisory trustees
  12. Future aspirations
  13. General Business
  14. My Whenua - online owner service
  15. Whakahokia nga korero - Feedback | He whakakapinga