Te Tumu Paeroa, the Office of the Māori Trustee, is a dedicated professional trustee organisation for Māori.
We provide professional trustee services to support the Māori Trustee to fulfil her trustee duties and responsibilities. We also support the Māori Trustee to provide other services, such as agency services, for Māori.
The Māori Trustee administers approximately 7% of whenua Māori across Aotearoa on behalf of almost 100,000 owners.
Our vision is to ensure whenua Māori is protected and enhanced, now and for generations to come.
Ko Te Tumu Paeroa tēnei, te tauawhi nei, te taunaki nei, te tiaki nei ngā whenua Māori mō naianei, mō āpōpō hoki.
Our values
In carrying out our mahi, we are guided by our values.
Senior Leadership Team
Te Tumu Paeroa is led by Dr Charlotte Severne, the Māori Trustee and our Pou Arahi (Senior Leadership team).
Our mahi
Our role is to provide professional trustee services for Māori. We do this by carrying out the terms of trusts and ensuring the whenua is protected and enhanced for future generations.
In this section
About us
We provide professional trustee services to support the Māori Trustee to fulfil her trustee duties and responsibilities.
Our values
In carrying out our mahi, we are guided by our values.
Our mahi
Our role is to provide professional trustee services for Māori. We do this by carrying out the terms of trusts and ensuring the whenua is protected and enhanced for future generations.
Our kaimahi
Te Tumu Paeroa is led by Dr Charlotte Severne, the Māori Trustee and our Kapa Pou Arahi (Senior Leadership team).
A career with us
The kaimahi at Te Tumu Paeroa are highly skilled professionals, passionate and committed to protecting and enhancing whenua Māori.
Who we work with
Our mahi is diverse and complex and we cannot do it alone. We work together with other agencies and organisations to ensure we can deliver the best outcome for the whenua and its owners.
Grants and scholarships
Many owners and trustees of whenua Māori are committed to educating the next generation, as well as supporting kaumātua and Māori communities.
Recent Māori Trustee Annual Reports and submissions on proposed local and national policy and legislation changes are available below to review and download.
Keep up to date with the latest pitopito kōrero.
Sign up to My Whenua
My Whenua is our secure online service that helps you stay connected to your whenua. This online service provides you and whānau with access to information about whenua that we administer on your beha...