He Aituā Kahurangi Tariana Turia
Te Kaitiaki Māori and kaimahi o Te Tumu Paeroa acknowledge the passing of Kahurangi Tariana Turia.
He tōtara nui kua hinga, he kapua pouri kua tau mai.
Haere rā e hika, e te Kahurangi, e te Kōkā.
A great tōtara has fallen, a dark cloud has descended.
Farewell oh loved one, Dame, Mother.
Te Kaitiaki Māori, Dr Charlotte Severne (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Tūwharetoa) and kaimahi o Te Tumu Paeroa acknowledge the passing of Kahurangi Tariana Turia.
Dame Tariana was a fierce champion for Māori rights across politics to the Pa. She will be remembered for her commitment to the establishment of Whānau Ora, and her unwavering dedication towards addressing inequalities and inequities facing Māori, particularly in the areas of health and housing.
She leaves behind an enormous legacy and a self-determination that will undoubtedly inspire future generations of young rangatahi.
Our thoughts are with her whānau, iwi, hapū and uri as they mourn her loss.
Moe mai rā ki e Kahurangi Tariana.