Parihaka 14B
Parihaka 14B is a 33.73 hectare property of a flat to easy hill contour, currently utilised for dairying in conjunction with the tenants neighbouring land.
The land is classed as medium productive dairying land and is subject to some physical limitations.
Stock movement is facilitated by two cow races, both are well maintained and provide for all weather access. A small 'light vehicle' bridge provides access across one of the waterways, culverts provide for other crossings.
The tenant has developed the 'back paddock', approximately 3.2 ha of land, at their own expense and this includes drainage and re-grassing.
The non-effective areas of the property consists of riverbanks, watercourses and swamp and account for approximately 1.7 ha of the total area. All the unused areas fall within the leased area.
Land Information
- Land area:
- 33.6926 hectares
- Location:
- Parihaka Road, Pungarehu
- Region:
- Taranaki
- Māori Land Court region:
- Aotea
- Role of Māori Trustee for this whenua:
- Responsible Trustee
Learn more about the role of the Māori Trustee.
Owner Information
There are 33 people or whānau trusts who have shares in Parihaka 14B.
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