Pakaraka 1A1
Pakaraka 1A1 is a 6.7583 hectare property situated on the northern side of State Highway 3, approximately 18 kilometres north-west of Whanganui. The land is flats through to steep hill in contour. Soils on the property comprise of Westmere silt loam and Westmere sandy loam. The block can be accessed from the road.
The effective area, approximately 6.48 hectares, is currently utilised for beef fattening. The balance of the land can be attributed to the creek area.
Land Information
- Land area:
- 6.7583 hectares
- Location:
- State Highway 3, Maxwell
- Region:
- Manawatu / Whanganui
- Māori Land Court region:
- Aotea
- Role of Māori Trustee for this whenua:
- Responsible Trustee
Learn more about the role of the Māori Trustee.
Owner Information
There are 20 people or whānau trusts who have shares in Pakaraka 1A1.
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