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Ruatoki A79 Owner Hui

Meeting details

Time & Date:
14 Nov 2024, 1:00 pm
Te Tumu Paeroa office
1188 Whakaue Street
Contact person:
Rangimiria Ihakara-Teaia
[email protected]
Phone number:
0800 WHENUA (0800 943 682) or +64 4 474 4600
He Whakatuwheratanga
  1. Apologies
  2. To koutou whenua
  3. Main points of last meeting
  4. Financial statements
  5. Future administration
    1. Maori Trustee to remain as the responsible trustee with advisory trustees; OR
    2. Owners to replace the Maori Trustee as responsible trustee
  6. Nomination of responsible/advisory trustees
  7. Review of Trust
  8. Variation of Trust
- Audit clause
  1. General Business
He Whakakapinga