Mihimihi & Apologies (5min) Trustees Report (10min) - Te Rina Aupouri, Tarsh Koia, Barry Soutar, Tom Tibble Annual Accounts (10min) - Manu Caddie Overview of Trust Deed - (10min) - Tarsh Koia & Barry Soutar Overview of Ahu Whenua trustees purpose, role and responsibilities (10min) - Tarsh Koia Nama Ono trustee nominations (30min) - Barry Soutar Whanau put their nomination forward and tell us why they support their nominee to be a trustee for Nama Ono, the whanau should tell us how the individual meets the requirements for the role and what skills, knowledge, experience and past contributions they have made as the basis for the nomination. The person being nominated speaks after the whanau has spoken for them. Trustee voting by shareholders attending (a tinana and online) in accordance with Trust Deed. General Business Karakia Whakamutunga