Information regarding Alert Level changes
Updated: Following the changes to Alert levels announced on 30 August 2021, all Te Tumu Paeroa offices will continue to remain closed until further notice. All meetings of owners and trustees scheduled for September have been postponed.
The Rt. Hon Jacinda Ardern announced changes to the Alert levels for Aotearoa New Zealand on Monday 30 August.
Following this announcement, all Te Tumu Paeroa offices will remain closed until further notice.
All meetings of owners and trustees that were scheduled to take place kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) in September have also been postponed.
Meetings scheduled after this date will be reviewed following further updates from the Government and Ministry of Health.
We are still here for you via email or by phone 0800 Whenua (0800 943 682) - please feel free to contact us.
Our kaimahi are currently working remotely, so please be aware that there may be a slight delay as we respond to your enquiry.
Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui
Official COVID-19 updates
For official updates regarding COVID-19 and information on how to keep you and your whānau safe - visit the COVID-19 website.